Point of Sale Online Help

Page last updated: August 21, 2012

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Customer Loyalty Setup

Select System  Utility   Options   Customer Loyalty from the Main Menu.  You will then see the customer screen. Locate the desired customer.  (See Navigating Records.)  Select Pay from the Toolbar.  

You will then see the customer loyalty setup screen. 

(Click on any field below for context-sensitive help)

You have two separate loyalty program options - the VIP Program and the Gift Card Program. The VIP Program lets you set price levels or global invoice discounts while the Gift Card Program gives customers a free gift card based on purchases. Individual customers may belong to only ONE of these programs, or no program at all.

VIP Program

When a customer belongs to this program, your software tracks their purchases from the date they enter the program. (Different customers may have different starting dates.) When the VIP routine is run, the purchases tracked since each customer’s program start date are compared to the cutoff points you set. This determines what discount level, price level (A - E), or both each customer is set to. For those customers who do not reach any qualifying level, you have the option (globally) of either leaving their existing discount price level as is, or resetting them to defaults. If a customer no longer qualifies for the program (their start date is out of the accepted range), their mail code will be set to a former VIP mail code you establish.

Free Gift Card

When a customer belongs to this program, your software tracks their purchases from the date they enter the program. (Different customers may have different starting dates.) When a customer on this program makes a purchase, their total purchases are compared to a trigger amount you set. If it is greater than that amount, you will be prompted when closing the sale to give them a free gift card of a preset amount. You will be prompted to enter the gift card number. The trigger amount is then deducted from their total purchases and their sales then start accumulating towards their next free gift card.