Point of Sale Online Help

Page last updated: August 21, 2012

All rights reserved.

Editing Quantities or Costs

Should you need to change the quantity or cost of an item, highlight it in the top grid and click Edit.  The fields in the middle of the screen will open up so that you may change either the quantity, cost or both, depending on the receive option you chose.

Receiving Less Than Ordered

If you change the quantity being received to less than the balance remaining on the PO, you will be asked if you wish to consider the item filled.  Answer No if you expect the remaining items to be received at a later date.  This will receive in the quantity you specified, but will leave the line open on the PO so you can receive the balance later.  

If you will not be receiving in the rest of the quantity, answer Yes to consider the item filled. This will receive in the quantity you specified, but it will close the line on the PO.

Receiving More Than Ordered

If you enter a quantity greater than the balance due on the PO, you will be warned that you are attempting to receive in more than ordered.  Check this carefully to make sure this is really what you want to do!   Answer No if you are not actually receiving in more than you ordered and you will be returned to the Quantity field where you may type in the correct quantity.  If you really do want to receive in more than you ordered, answer Yes.