Bulk Adding Serial Numbers
To add serial numbers in bulk, from the
serial number screen, select Bulk from the toolbar. Type in the generic serial
number information (Vendor ID, Part No. etc.), which will be used for ALL serial
numbers you are currently adding. (Note, if you are adding serial numbers from
the receive screen, much of this information will be completed for you based on the
information already entered for the receive.) Press [PgDn] or
select Save to save this information. You will then see the serial
number entry box:
You may then enter in
a prefix (may be alpha-numeric) for the serial numbers. This must be the same
for the entire series of numbers you are bulk adding. Then enter the starting and
ending number. The numbers must be sequential. The combined size of the prefix
and number may not exceed 36 characters.
Ok to begin bulk adding. Depending on how many serial numbers you are
adding, this could take a few seconds. Please be patient.