Making a Vendor Payment
From the vendor accounts
payable screen, select Pay from the toolbar.
The vendor payment screen will then appear.
(Click on any field below for context-sensitive help)
Click on the radio button for the correct
payment method - Check, Credit Card, or Cash. (Check is automatically selected
for you.) Type in the amount you wish to pay and press
[Enter]. If applicable, enter your check number and press [Enter].
If you will be printing checks through the system, leave the
check number field blank. It will automatically fill in with *****.
It is important that you leave the ***** as is in the description field so
that the system can enter the check number for you at the time of printing.
The description will automatically fill
in for you with the payment method and amount. It is recommended that you leave
it as is, especially if you are printing your checks through the system. Once you have entered an amount, the remaining
to apply will appear in the lower, right-hand corner. This is the amount of
the payment that is remaining to apply to the open invoices. Enter in the date of the payment.
Selecting Invoices to Pay
To select invoices to pay, simply double-click
them in the grid. You may also use your arrow keys or [PgUp]/[PgDn]
to move around the grid, pressing [Enter] on any row will select it to pay.
As you select invoices, the first column
will indicate a 'Y' and the amount to pay will automatically default to the balance
due on the invoice. The remaining to apply will also automatically be adjusted. If at any point, the remaining to apply
is less than the balance due on an invoice you have selected, the remaining to apply
will be applied as a partial payment against that invoice.
Once you have applied the entire payment
to the correct invoices and remaining to apply is at 0.00, click Ok to process
the payment.
To have the system automatically select invoices for you (starting
from the top), click the Auto Pay button. You are then free to make changes
to what is or is not being paid prior to processing.
Applying on Account
If when you click Ok, there is any amount
in the Remaining to Apply, a warning box will appear asking if you want to apply
the amount on account. If you made a mistake and simply need to correct it,
select No and you will return to the payment grid when you can make any necessary
adjustments. If, however, you do want the amount written generically to their
account, select Yes. Any selected invoices will be paid as normal, however,
an additional record will be added for the remaining amount, using YEARMMDD for the
invoice number.