Entering Vendor Returns
add a vendor RA, from the vendor return screen
select Add from the Toolbar.
Serialized Item
the item is serialized, you will be asked to enter the serial number you are returning.
Type in the serial number and press [Enter].
Non-Serialized Item
the item is not serialized, you will then see a grid list of all of your purchase
orders. Highlight the PO that you purchased the item on and click Ok.
Type in the RA number
(typically assigned by your vendor), whether you are returning for credit or exchange,
the number being returned (can ONLY be 1 if you are returning a serialized item),
the product and shipping credit if applicable, and any comment. Much of your
vendor information will automatically be filled in for you based on either the PO
information or the serial number information, but it may be changed if necessary.
Select Save to save your
changes. The RA is now saved, but it is not yet Processed
or Finalized.