Point of Sale Online Help

Page last updated: August 21, 2012

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End of Day (or Shift) Close

At the end of each day (or shift), each register that rings sales may be closed. Unlike a cash register that must be reset each night, you are not required to close out your registers. This function is designed to assist you in balancing the register, while recording any over/short.

Once a register is closed, no new sales can be entered to that register. Additionally, if you try to login to the program using a closed register, you will be advised that the register has been closed and will not be allowed in..

To close your drawer, from a blank invoice screen press [Alt]+[F10]. You will then see the closeout screen.

If you are set to close by count, you will enter the quantity of each monetary unit. If you are set to close by value, you will enter the total value of each monetary unit. For example, you have 25 $5 bills in the drawer, if you are set to close by count you would enter 25 next to the line for $5 Bills; if you are set to close by value, you would need to enter $125.00, which is the total value of the $5 bills.

Enter in the amount of all the cash in the drawer, followed by the totals for checks and credit cards. Enter in the amount of cash you are keeping in the drawer for the next day or shift. Click Ok when done.

If everything is in balance, the EOD receipt may automatically print or you may be asked whether or not you wish to print it. If you are out of balance, you will be told which section (cash, check, or credit cards) is out of balance. You now have the option to recalculate, confirm the close, or print detal.

Recalc allows you to reenter the close and recount and adjust your totals. Print detail will print a listing of all checks and credit cards processed at the register so you can compare to physical receipts. Confirm accepts the close as is, recording the out of balance information.

The register must be closed before editing is allowed..