Point of Sale Online Help

Page last updated: August 21, 2012

All rights reserved.

Multiple UPCs

Multiple UPCs for a Single Item allows you the ability to scan items at the point of sale, which are identical, but have different UPCs.  The most common occurrence of this is in the liquor industry.  One shipment of bourbon may come in with UPC 123 while the next comes in with 456.  Rather than create an entirely new item for the one with UPC 456, you can create a multi UPC record here.

The following fields MUST be set as follows:



Must be the new UPC.



Should be blank.

Qty Break


Should be 1.



Should be 1.



Should be N.

Price A-E


Should match what is on the main product screen.

Start/End Dates


Should be blank.

If you later change your selling prices on this item, you will need to do it from the main product screen AND any multiple UPCs you have setup through the promotions screen.