Point of Sale Online Help

Page last updated: August 21, 2012

All rights reserved.

Editing an Invoice

At any time prior to final processing an invoice, you may (if you access allows) edit the quantities being sold and the prices by pressing [F3] from the invoice screen. A grid with all of the items already on the invoice will be displayed. Double-click on or use your arrow keys and press [Enter] on the field you wish to edit.  Type in your changes. Select Ok when done.  You will be asked if you want to save your changes.

Editing Quick Keys

To quickly edit the quantity, price or line item discount, you can use one of the editing quick keys.  From a blank line on the invoice, press:



Edit Line Item Discount



Edit Quantity



Edit Price

A numbered selection list of all items on the invoice will appear.  Type the line number next to the item you wish to edit and then type in the new value.  You will automatically return to the invoice entry screen.