Will remove the
highlight from any rows in the bottom grid currently highlighted.
Will move all
highlighted rows back to the top grid.
Will allow you
to view/edit the product screen for the currently selected product.
Will allow you
to edit the item's discount.
Will highlight all
rows in the top grid.
Will remove the
highlight from any rows in the top grid currently highlighted.
Will move all
highlighted rows to the bottom grid.
Will open up
the Zebra/Eltron bar code printing routine, print labels for the selected items,
and then move them to the bottom grid.
Will open up
the middle section to allow the use of a barcode scanner for selecting products.
Will turn scan
mode off and set the operation back to that of a mouse.
Will allow you
to view/edit the product screen for the currently selected product.
Will set the receive
quantity for the selected items to 0 and will mark them to be filled. (For
when you need to remove an item from a PO as you will not be receiving it.)
Changes the sort order for both grids. Click the radio button
for the desired sort order.
The vendor ID, PO number,and vendor invoice number.
This section is used if you need to change the quantity being
received or the cost of the item.
The total value of the items currently selected to be received,
and shipping charges, and the grand total.
Will highlight all
rows in the bottom grid.
Allows you to change
the quantity and/or cost on the selected line. As soon as you have completed
your edits, the item will automatically go to the bottom grid.
T he bottom grid shows the items which you have selected
to receive now. Only items in the bottom grid will be received when you process
the receive.
The top grid area shows the items on the PO to be received. Items
left in the top grid will not be received.
(Click on any field below for context-sensitive help)