NSF Checks
Use this function when a customer's check
is returned by the bank.
If you will be using the Accounting Export report to enter figures
into an external accounting software, you must use the NSF check function (and
not simply a negative payment) to record an NSF check.
From the customer accounts receivable
screen, select NSF from the toolbar.
A screen very similar to the payment screen will appear.
Enter the amount of the NSF check (as a
POSITIVE number) and press [Enter]. Enter the check number and press [Enter].
The description will automatically fill in for you. It is recommended
that you leave it as is; however, you are free to change it if necessary. You
may also enter the date as the date that the bank returned the check. (This
does not have to be today's date.)
Once you have typed in an amount, the remaining
to apply will automatically be updated for you.
You can either (1) select the payment(s)
that were associated with this NSF check by double-clicking them or (2) you can simply
allow the NSF check to write generically to the customer's account. If you
select the payments, a line will be added to the payment screen for each invoice,
resetting the amounts as monies due to you. If you apply the NSF check generically
to their account, a single entry will be added for the total amount of the NSF check,
again setting the amount to be due to you; however, it will not be associated with
the original invoices that were paid by the check.
Selecting Invoices
To select the invoices originally paid by
the check, simply double-click them in the grid. You may also use your arrow
keys or [PgUp]/[PgDn] to move around the grid, pressing [Enter]
on any row will select it. As you select invoices, the first column
will indicate a 'Y' and the amount to pay will automatically default to the balance
due on the invoice. The remaining to apply will also automatically be adjusted.
Once you have applied the entire NSF check
to the correct invoices and remaining to apply is at 0.00, click Ok to process
the payment.
Applying on Account
If you choose to simply have the system
enter a single entry for the NSF check, do not select any invoices. With the
total amount in Remaining to Apply, click Ok. A single entry for the
NSF check will now be recorded.
If you charge a fee for a returned check,
you will need to have an intangible inventory item established for this purpose.
(See inventory for information
on creating this item.) Whenever a check is returned, enter it on the payment screen
as above. Then, do a new invoice to the customer containing the NSF inventory
item you have established, and process it as a store charge. This will add
that fee to the customer's payment screen, and their overall balance.